April 30, 2009

Revit OpEd: Central File Naming

Revit OpEd: Central File Naming

This is a great post.  Regarding the "traditional" way of naming a central file.  A key new feature in Revit 2010 is change our ways.
New things to come with this version of Revit, I hope to make the time to post about it all, but with many others already posting, I thought I'd start by linking to one I thought was good.

Este es un buen post, por Steve Stafford, y esta en Ingles.  Es con respecto a la manera tradicional de denominar un "central file."  Una nueva caracteristica en Revit 2010 que va a cambiar nuestra manera de guardar un archivo.
Algunas cosas buenas del nuevo Revit, me voy a dar el tiempo de empezar a explicar un poco mas para todos!


April 24, 2009

Revit 2010 - Create New Local

With the new version out (over a month now). I had to revamp my training handout.  I've already trained 6 new users!   I will now be having Friday sessions, which I'm calling Revit Review, to get our existing users up to speed, we'll see how that goes.

The ribbon has been good I think.  It is a little frustrating to jump aroudn between tools, but I like the icons and the tooltips, I tell all users to pay attention and use them as reminders of how to use tools they don't use often, hopefully I'm right and it's a good idea.

In looking at our settings and way of work, not much has changed, but there are a few new little features thrown in that help those of us that "cad/bim manage" get to look into.   Like the new option  "Create New Local."   Read this post in The Revit Clinic blog.   It is a good idea, but most users don't use the Open dialog to open any files, most prefer to find the file in windows explorer then they double click, something I don't approve or prefer but it happens.

As I find more "little features" I'll pass them on.  Oh yea, one I learned this week - Move the Options Bar  below the drawing window.  Just a right click over the area, doesn't make sense to do it but you can!

April 6, 2009

Autodesk Assistance Program - Programa de Asistencia de Autodesk

I wanted to share a press release by Autodesk:  Autodesk Assistance Program Offers Help to Displaced Workers
This is great help for those that are wanting to keep up to date with the software they are used to using.  I've had people ask me where can they learn Revit, close to home, not too costly, and here Autodesk comes to the rescue.

I hope many take advantage of this help.

Quiero compartir un comunicado de prensa de Autodesk:  Autodesk Assistance Program Offers Help to Displaced Workers
En los Estados Unidos hemos tenido mucha perdida de trabajo, pienso que tambien otros paises estan pasando lo mismo.  Esta es una ayuda para aquellos que quieren mantnerse al corriente con el software que utilizan. Gente me han preguntado donde pueden aprender Revit, y aqui Autodesk viene al rescate.

Espero que muchos aprovechen de esta ayuda.
